kind words

“Without her presence I’m sure I would have crumpled and pulled away into myself, but with her gentle encouraging I was able to hang in there and keep going with a more open mind and heart.” – S

“Grace helped do what I needed the most which was to be reminded that I could do it and that everything was going to be okay. I would highly recommend this doula if you want a calming presence during your birth experience!” – K

“Grace was an excellent doula that did a top-notch job in the delivery room, my husband and I were truly satisfied with her service. She was very helpful throughout my pregnancy and provided much support and comfort and her low-key personality paired well with our family. She has a gentle yet strong spirit and I was well pleased with her wisdom throughout my pregnancy journey. She’s great and I highly recommend her.” – S

“Grace’s grounded energy, encouragement, and nonjudgmental support helped get me through it all and make/embrace choices when the options were less than perfect. She stuck it out with me through a really long labor with care and patience. It was a huge help having her there. Whenever I needed it, she had a fresh idea or tool (position, movement, vocalization, etc.) to help me cope with labor. She was there with me through the moment to moment intensity of it all. It was also nice that my partner had some guidance on how to support me, and also was able to rest every now and again. Grace is wonderful!” – B

“Grace was an absolute blessing for my postpartum journey. She brought warmth and calm into our home and helped me with cooking meals, cleaning, and watching my baby so I could get some fresh air. I enjoyed her peaceful, grounded company immensely, especially with how tender I was feeling during this sensitive time of transition in my life. I couldn’t recommend her enough for postpartum care!” – A

“Without Grace there I know my labor would have been so much more of a struggle instead of the intense and beautiful experience it was. I am so lucky to have had her support and to share in this experience. I would hire her again and again!!” – S

“We had such a wonderful time working with Grace as our labor doula. She came to our house for two pre-natal visits to get to know us better and talk about our birth plan, goals, fears, and answer any questions we had. It really put us at ease and helped us to feel empowered and confident for the big day. Our delivery was very short and Grace made it there very quickly. I labored in water, standing, kneeling, etc and Grace was always there with ice water, a cold cloth, gentle touch, counter-pressure, and encouraging words. She was a great support and calming presence for my husband as well. She met with us a few days after we were home and it was so nice to talk through the experience as it helped me re-live moments I didn’t even remember happening. The entire experience was wonderful and I would highly recommend having Grace as a doula.” – E

“Grace was such a pleasure to work with and so helpful during my labor, I don’t know how I would have done it without her calming guidance! She helped a lot with my anxiety as this was my first time. I would definitely recommend her to anybody looking for a doula!” – K

“This was my first baby. I wasn’t really sure what a doula was or if I would need one. But boy did I ever. I had a home birth and needed help with my contractions before the midwives would come. They, understandably wanted to wait until they knew I was close to giving birth. But, thankfully, we had Grace on call. She came quickly and artfully helped me to manage the contractions. She kept watch while my partner and I slept in between each one. It was great to have Grace there to communicate with the midwives and help us know when we needed them. Grace stayed ’til dawn and helped through the birth. Grace has, as my husband says, “an excellent bedside manner.” She is calm, considerate, and responsive. A great person to have on your birth team! Highly recommend!” – K